
Perryton Equity Exchange


Perryton Equity Exchange, a long-standing agricultural co-op with over a century of expertise, ran into challenges in their Agronomy division. Because the soil insights they gathered for their customers was not easily accessible, they were unable to provide timely guidance on how to improve crop output. 


Agronomists’ capacity to give timely advice was hampered by the fact that collecting, transporting, and analyzing soil samples typically took more than 10 days. 



However, because they only collected huge composite samples, the team had a hard time identifying and treating variances within clients’ fields. Farm sizes varied from 1,000 to 15,000 acres, making it difficult to increase the quantity of soil samples gathered per acre for each client.


Perryton Equity Exchange’s approach was to implement modern technology for soil analysis. Their decision landed on implementing the ChrysaLabs Probe. 

Agronomists may get up-to-the-minute soil data thanks to the probe’s fast and efficient data collecting. The group was now able to rapidly respond to customer requests for advice and produce individualized strategies for farm management. As a result of the ChrysaLabs Probe enabling sales agronomists to rapidly diagnose nutrient inadequacies, Equity Exchange saw a substantial uptick in sales of fertilizer.


The use of the ChrysaLabs Probe has led to dramatic enhancements for Perryton Equity Exchange’s operations. Agronomic advice to farmers may now be given almost on the spot thanks to access to real-time soil data, which allows for instantaneous prescriptions and farm management plans. 

Using the ChrysaLabs Probe, Perryton Equity Exchange has been able to provide accurate and actionable insights to over 75 distinct clients. Improved harvests and happier customers are the direct outcome of your prompt action.


To better address variances among client farms, the co-op has increased the number of soil samples gathered per acre and is analyzing both individual and composite samples for each field. Something that was economically impossible using traditional methods. 



Since it provides accurate and targeted fertilizer distribution over different sections of the fields, this functionality has proved vital, especially for clients investigating variable rate application.

The implementation of the ChrysaLabs Probe has not only simplified their agronomy processes, but has also resulted in higher sales of fertilizer. Sales agronomists are now better able to convince consumers of the value of the cooperative’s products and services because of the technology’s capacity to instantly display the presence of nutrient deficits in their fields.

Equity Exchange has improved farm management using precise soil data collected with the ChrysaLabs Probe, leading to bottom-line success. The co-op’s reputation as a reliable collaborator in the agricultural sector has been bolstered by its implementation, increasing the firm’s ability to compete.

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