The 4R approach is a science-based system that helps farmers apply BMPs (Better Management Practices) to optimize plant nutrient availability. This allows growers to sustainably increase yields and profits while balancing the environmental, economic and societal goals of crop production. And it all starts with quality data.
Right Rate – Matches fertilizer type to crop need
Right Source – Matches fertilizer type to crop need
Right Source – Makes nutrients available when crops need them
Right Place – Keeps nutrients where crops can use them
Implementing BMPs through the 4R’s with the help of better data can help grow your bottom line.
$80 to $200 Crop value increase per acre. (PEI, Can. Potato farm. Phosphorus+Nitrogen BMP)
Less excess nitrate Lower levels of post-harvest nitrate and phosphate accumulation in the soil.
Up to $87 per acre increase in profit compared to baseline crop value.
10 to 30% less P2O5 Up to 30% less phosphorus use without any hits to your yield.
18% to 29% increase in profit per year when using BMPs for nitrogen management.
$34K to $56K per season benefit. (960-acre. Canola, wheat and barley. Alberta, Can)
80% of growers are aware of the 4R approach.
56% of growers rely on retailers for insights and advice.
Knowing what nutrients to use in the right amount and at the right time and place in your fields starts with quality data inputs. 4R’s advantages start with knowing and understanding what’s happening in your fields. Data density and real-time soil intelligence are key to leveraging its potential.
We measure 40 different soil parameters, providing you with a precise overview of what’s happening in your soil and helping you to match fertilizer type to the needs of your crop.
The data you extract from the probe is as accurate as any lab, and there’s no sampling limit. It’s an all-you-can-sample approach. This allows you to easily and dramatically increase data density at a much faster rate and at a much lower cost than with traditional labs. Increased data density per acre provides valuable intelligence to help you apply inputs more precisely and almost instantly.
You don’t have days or weeks to wait for lab results to come back. Real-time measurements save a ton of time in data acquisition, allowing you to manage your timing and make better decisions. Not only can you better control regular seasonal sampling, but you can add another layer of assurance and ability by having access to instant and cheap in-season sampling.
Higher data density and instant GPS localisation providing georeferenced soil measurements allow for precise field mapping and better control over fertilizer application. Need even more precise data? No problem. Use the probe to measure all the way up to 36 inches deep to have a better understanding of what’s really happening down there versus at the surface.
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